Although the title might sound a bit cliché, a shoulder bag comes in handy in so many ways! IGO Promo delivers personalised shoulder bags that offer space for a laptop, the groceries, your sports gear and more. So if you're looking for the perfect promotional product or a gift for your staff, stop for a moment and consider the shoulder bag. And a big advantage of shoulder bags is that there is plenty of room for the logo!
IGO Promo can print various types of shoulder bags with your logo. In our range you'll find a broad selection of models and sizes. We have bags with a compartment for your laptop, shopping bags, cotton bags or a smaller messenger bag. Different models at different prices. Bags from quality brands such as Bullet or Slazenger. So whether you're looking for a cheap shoulder bag or a more luxurious model, you're sure to find a good match in our range.
On this page you can see our current range of branded shoulder bags on offer. Each product shows you what colours and printing options are available. Furthermore, you can see the precise dimensions of the bag. We can imagine that you might still have questions or need help choosing the bag. Let us help you find the right match. You can do this by calling, emailing or chatting with our team. More than 500,000 satisfied customers have gone before you, so we're sure you'll find the perfect bag for you!
Once you have found that match, you can order directly and have us print the shoulder bags with your logo. How? It's very simple. Just click on the product you want and indicate your preferences in the online order form. Specify which colour, imprint position(s) and how many bags you would like to order. We offer interesting discounts for larger quantities! But you can also get printed shoulder bags in small quantities. Would you like to see the bag before ordering? Ask for a sample using the same form. It is important to us that you are completely satisfied. That is why, after receiving your logo, we send you a digital proof for you to check. After your approval, we will start production immediately! Whether it is a promotional product or a giveaway at a trade fair, with a shoulder bag from IGO Promo you are sure to leave a lasting impression!