Product numbers Every product in our collection has a product number. This product number consists of two parts separated by a point. This product number is found on the website under the name of the product.
For example: Shopper shopping bag product number 2200.20
• The four digits before the point stand for the product: the Shopper shopping bag. • The two digits after the point stand for the colour: in this case, yellow.
Each colour has its own code. For the primary colours they are:
White 10 Yellow 20 Blue 30 Red 60 Green 70 Black 98
Of course, there are far more colour codes. These are just a few examples. By combining the product code and the colour code, you get the correct product number.
8-digit product numbers For some products, we use an 8-digit product number. For example:
USB Talent Product number 6637.3036
• The four digits before the point stand for the product: the USB Talent. • The two digits after the point stand for the colour: in this case, blue. • The last two digits stand for the storage capacity: in this case, 16GB.
If the product is available in several colours, a colour bar will appear under the image of the product. Click on a particular colour box and you will see the product concerned in the selected colour. You will also see that the product number has been changed (under the product name).
At the right-hand side, you see our guarantees, the order button, and you can click to open the product features. You can also see the box that shows the various storage capacities. Here you can click on the desired capacity. You will see that the product number has changed (under the product number).
Searching on the website There are a number of ways to search for products on the website. You can select from the category groups at the left-hand side or you can type a word in the search bar. If you have a product number from a previous order, you can type the product number directly in the search bar.
Searching according to a product number • Type the four-digit product number in the search bar (without enter), then you will see the particular product in all the available colours. You can click the desired colour. • Type the four-digit number in the search bar (with enter), then you will see the particular product in one colour. If there is a choice of several colours, then you can click a colour on the colour bar. The product will then appear in the selected colour. • Type the six-digit number in the search bar (with enter), then you will see the product in the selected colour.
If you have any questions, please contact one of our sales assistants via [email protected] or call telephone number 1850 812 813.
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